Jose Antonio Morales C.

strategic, activator, maximizer, developer, connector.

Dear visitor,

Let me share a part of my story with you.
As a child, I imagined the world to be like a game. I assumed that all the players wanted to learn from others to enjoy life more. Decades later, I found that my purpose in life is to learn from my experiences with the people I get to know, connect the dots, and share my conclusions with anyone who finds my stories and perspectives useful.
On this page, you will find basic info about my professional activities.The best way of staying in touch is via Linkedin or subscribing to Lincoln Island's newsletter.Thank you for your kind attention.Jose Antonio Morales

Fear Enough is a book all members will receive :)

Fear Enough

Deconstructing Fear and understanding Failure

We are going through a period of intense uncertainty, and I believe that learning to live in balance is paramount for many of us.

Fear Enough is a book for anyone trying to live well despite unfavorable circumstances. In the book, I present my perspectives on Fear, Failure, and Entrepreneurship and share some technics for deconstructing patterns of Fear and getting the best learnings from our failures, the same ones that I use in my workshops, training programs, and coaching sessions.

Learn more about the book.

Fear Enough is a book all members will receive :)

Lincoln Island

You are kindly invited to join Lincoln Island, a space for learning about entrepreneurship, Verne's way [1], connecting with other entrepreneurs, and taking some adventures to make our life more enjoyable.If you are asking what Lincoln Island is, you need first to understand what entrepreneurship means to me and why is it called Lincoln Island:My first contact with the word "entrepreneur" was when reading Jules Verne's Mysterious Island novel [1]. He talks about the characters as entrepreneurs because they were empowered individuals who used the best in them to solve their challenges in the face of unexpected situations. As a result of their adventures, they found purpose, outgrew their fears, learned teamwork, and imprinted an indelible legacy. Lincoln Island is the name the adventurers gave to Mysterious Island.Lincoln Island is a content creation initiative designed to support a healthy process of entrepreneurship.Trivia: Lincoln Island was the only fictitious island visible on Google maps!

Coworking & Ecosystem Building

Since 2015, I have been involved in the world of Coworking. I'm convinced that Coworking spaces are like Embassies for Entrepreneurship, living communities designed to generate value, create culture, and interconnect with others.I'm the founder of Aurora Coworking and co-founder of the Aurora Coworking Network (ACN).

Web Development

I believe that a web presence is about answering the following question: What do you need to get from the Internet?Most of us, freelancers and small business owners, need simple and versatile web applications to help us build databases of potential customers, automate the communication process, and enable sales securely.Today, anyone can set up their own web presence and automate processes without learning to code. It takes time to make it good enough, and for freelancers and entrepreneurs, time is a scarce resource.B4Contact exists to help integrate the best available services to make your web presence efficient and effective, fast and affordably.

Schedule a call with me:

I'm using Calendly for automating the process of scheduling calls, and mentoring sessions:

© Jose Antonio Morales C. All rights reserved.